1913. year
20.06.1913On June 20, 1913 a Company of Tukums Dairy Farmers was founded and it had 11 creameries. In those days it consisted of 339 members. One dairy then processed 650 tons of milk yearly.

1913. year
Opposite the current post office the founded company owned a small dairy which produced butter.
1923. year
In 1923 the dairy company acquired a piece of land in 1 Slocenes Street and got materials for a new dairy building construction, but meanwhile settled the milk processing in “Mālukrogs” building. By unknown reasons the construction work wasn’t started. Historical data connected with the time of duke Jacob is available in the history of “Mālukrogs” site. A photo has been preserved from the beginning of the century with a title “Tukums Collective Creamery” (Tukuma kopmoderniecība).

1923. year
At the beginning of the 20th century there was a primitive milk processing and butter production. In 1923 the dairy acquired a hand churn “Astra” with 300 liter capacity. Butter was produced there, part of milk was sent to Ķemeri sanatorium and buttermilk was sold only on the spot.

1925. year
Gradually the former pub building was rebuilt and adjusted to the requirements of a dairy industrial enterprise. In 1925 the company acquired a 2000 liter wooden churn “Astra” with temperature meter. Cream was cooled with round surface coolers (preserved photo).

1926. year
In 1926 “State Tukuma Dairying School” was established which existed till 1935. Everyone who had worked in a state’s study dairy for 3 years could enter this school. Studies lasted 2 years. A photo with the school’s nameplate from 1928 has remained. A huge inscription on the façade of the building “Collective Dairy of the Company of Tukums Dairy Farmers”.

1928. year
In 1928 the company acquired a 4000 liter six-speed churn “Silkebig” with transmission but in 1937 the same with an electric drive.

1937. year
In 1937 the dairy produced 233 tons of butter. Areas of dairies include territories of Ozolpils, Brizule, Sēma and Kaive.

1946. year
After the war from 1646 till 1951 a regional office occupied the dairy (former school premises).
1945. year
The dairy was destroyed during the war. Only some pieces of equipment remained e.g. a churn. It was repaired to start the dairy. About 380 tons of milk was processed, 9.4 tons of butter produced and 162 tons of whole milk production was made in 1945.

1946. year
From 1946 till 1955 milk was mainly separated, butter and skimmed-milk curd was produced and they were either sent to Riga or sold locally. About 2-3 milk-churns of whole milk curd was produced every day. In 1950 they produced 108.3 tons of butter, but in 1955 – 184 tons. Whole milk products were made in small amounts. About 400 bottles of milk were hand-filled each day. Milk mainly was given in milk-churns.

1946. year
1955. year
In 1955 the dairy zone started to expand. Slampe creamery was added to Tukums dairy, as well as the creamery located in the centre of Pūre. In 1957 several other creameries and one cheesery in Tukums region were added.
1956. year
In 1956 they built a 2-story block: on the ground floor – a compressor shop, a whole milk production warehouse, a filling shop, a men’s wardrobe.

1956. year
From 1956 till 1958 two six-story living houses, small mechanical workshops and a fuel storage was built.

1957. year
In 1957 a continuous butter production line “Meļašina” is set up; in 1960 it is replaced with a Danish “Silneborg” conical 4000 liter churn.

1961. year
From 1961 till 1963 a new wide 1st floor was built where a new machine workshop with 3 import Czech milk pasteurization-cooling lines (5000l/hour) were placed as well as a cream workshop with 5 fermenters (2000 liters each).Seven baths for curd production were set in the curd workshop. Wide new premises were provided for preparation of milk and kefir for filling.

1963. year
Years 1963-1965. During this time a new machine workshop is launched and mastered. A new mechanic bottle washing-filling line is set up. A bacteriological laboratory is established.

1974. year
A new butter workshop is built in 1974 with a churn BFA-6. An import (VDR) butter production line (2500kg/hour) is set up in 1979.

1980. year
In 1980 issues about building a new whole milk production shop are discussed. Reconstruction is carried out and finished in December 1984.

1986. year
In 1986 reconstruction of the curd production shop helps to increase the production space five times.

1987. year
A new transformer house is built.
1987. year
Our dairy on the basis of old “Mālukrogs” has grown to be one of the best dairies in Latvia! From ancient times a good tradition has emerged in the dairy of Tukums, I’d say even more, a company’s patriot traditions – the work is always done till the end no matter what. There hasn’t been a day, a master or a mechanic in the history of our dairy when something couldn’t be done to turn raw materials into the necessary products.